The project is included in the region’s industrialization map. The ore reserve volumes are being explored, detailed design of the plant is in progress. There is an agreement with a Chinese company China Tianchen Engineering Corporation (TCC) for the financing and construction of the project. The development of design and estimate documentation for railroad tracks in Suzak district of Turkistan region (22 km) and Sarysu district of Zhambyl region (23 km) was completed. By the end of 2023, it is planned to begin construction of the railroad for the plant.
The start-up of the plant will reduce dependence on imports of phosphate-based fertilizers and preparations, which will affect the final price of agricultural products and food security. According to experts, imports of phosphate fertilizers and other demanded products will drop by 80%.
The plant will employ 1,000 people, and over time the company will grow into a major taxpayer — 43,3 bln KZT of tax revenues for 10 years.